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FoodCatDCC      Diabetic Cat Care

     Species - Appropriate Food

    For our Obligate Carnivores

By now you've probably realized the same mistake almost every other member has made when it comes to their cats - feeding a diet loaded with grains, glutens, fruits and veggies is the worst thing to be feeding obligate carnivores.  Many wonder just how important a species-appropriate diet really is, and why.  Could it be the dry kibble and high carb wet foods loaded with gravies is the cause of your cat's diabetes?  It is definitely possible - something turns that "diabetic gene" on, and it's likely carbohydrates that are mainly responsible.  Dr. H calls FD a "man made disease", and it is....not only is it the result of a high carb diet, but add in steroid shots and repeated vaccinations.....well, what else can we expect?  You are not alone when it comes to finding out when the horse is already out of the barn!  The thing to remember is now that we know better, we do better! 

Education Tools - Food Labels - Carb Calculator Tool

We highly recommend purchasing a copy of Dr. Hodgkin's book, Your Cat - Simple New Secrets to a Longer, Stronger Life   We consider this to be THE owner's manual for cats, containing $20.000.00 worth of quality vet advice for less than $20.00.  

Not only does Dr. H's book answer your cat food questions, it provides great advice on how to start kittens off right as well as detailed advice on how to deal with many of the diseases that affect not only our diabetic cats, but cats in general right through their senior years.  It really IS "THE" owner's manual for cats!



Dr. Hodgkin's article on Obesity and FD

The Domestic Cat - A Metabolically Inflexible Carnivore Dr. Mark Peterson

Feline Nutrition Education Society

Feline Nutrition Awareness Effort - The Basics

Dr. Pierson's Feline Nutrition Basics

Dr. Pierson's article on FD and Carbs

Dr. Pierson's Transitioning Feline Carb Addicts to Wet Food

Dr. Pierson on Feline Obesity and Weight Loss

Dr. Zoran's Article on Carnivores

Article on slimming down your overweight cat

Anne Jablonski’s Cat Nutrition

Harvard Law Paper on Pet Food Industry

Feline Outreach Information

What's Really in Pet Food?  True  Explains important vitamin/amino acid needs for cats

We Need to Return to Basics  Australian vet's view on species-appropriate diet for felines

Meeting the Requirement for Dietary Protein For Older Cats Dr. Mark Petersen



DCC is pleased to share the excellent wealth of information available from the Feline Nutrition Education Society, please click on the banner below for more information about species appropriate diets for cats.



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